Dear Parents and Guardians, I hope that you had a lovely and relaxing Summer. We are looking forward to returning to school next week. This is an update on how the school day will be structured with the changes in the protocols. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. Staff Changes Mrs. Susanna Gall and Ms. Marsha Boyce both tendered their resignation during the summer. Ms.Catrina Thompson replaces Mrs. Gall in the Upper Junior Learning Support class which will now be known as JT. She will be joined by Mrs. Armaron Swan-Morris who will be the Teaching Assistant in JT. Mrs. Swan-Morris will also teach Science to J1-J3 classes. Miss. Abiola James replaces Ms. Boyce in Reception K. We welcome them both to St. Gabriel’s. Term dates We have adjusted our start date for the beginning of Term II this academic year. Due to this change, we have also slightly changed the ending dates of the three terms by one day. These changes do not affect the completion of the curriculum.
[rest of letter to be inserted here]
July 25, 2022