If your child is recommended by their class teacher to attend Learning Support, the strategy behind them utilising this facility is simply they didn’t grasp a particular module over a period of time or they might become easily distracted within their main class setting. We believe that some children do benefit tremendously from a small class setting both academically and socially. This additional resource can draw out their full potential having concentrated one to one support within a small group. We believe that ‘Learning Support’, here at St Gabriel’s School, is an extension of their classroom setting; and the expectations still remain high.
Pupils are offered extra Maths and English support if required whilst they are in J1 or 2 with Mrs Williams. When pupils go up to J3 & 4 they will have the same opportunity of extra learning support from Mrs Joseph. The same children are not always sent to attend these additional sessions unless required as the facility is there for all pupils to access if their class teacher feels they need reinforcements in a particular area. Once it has been demonstrated, consistently, that the pupil has conquered the said concept they struggled with originally, they will then remain in their main class setting for Maths or English. Some children may need support in both English and Maths. During these classes the Learning Support teacher liaises with the main class teacher and targets the extra support according to the children’s areas of need. The setting for this area of Learning Support is a small class setting which enables the pupil to grasp the concept with either one of these teachers guiding them through every step.
There are two teachers in these classes which allows each child to receive one to one support wherever necessary, while developing their independent learning. Not only do we focus on their academic abilities but also their confidence levels and emotional stability within reason. We believe in looking at a child in a holistic way in order for them to be able to produce “their” best. High expectations are always being set for each individual.
Your child will be assessed throughout each term to ensure they are reaching their goals and whether or not they need more reinforcement in a particular area. At the end of terms 1 and 3 all pupils will be required to take a reading assessment which focuses on their literal comprehension, reading for meaning, appreciation for reading and phonic knowledge.
J1 & J2 are combined classes for the lower Juniors and J3 & J4 classes are combined for the upper juniors however the class as a whole are often taught in small groups w hich allows each child to focus on their years’ work.
Within these classes the teachers teach Maths, English, Social Studies, spelling, hand writing science, computers and Art. In J3 and J4 science is taught by Mr Smith.
The pupils attend PE, Scripture Spanish and Music with their assigned class. J3 and J4 students also mainstream for Science and Drama. It is possible for children who have been in lower Junior Learning Support to return to mainstream classes upon the recommendation of the class teacher and depending upon whether consistent academic achievement has been attained over the two years. We endeavour to equip your child with all the tools necessary in order for them to attend their assigned class.
We prefer to keep lines of communication open with parents so that we can all make sure we understand what the child requires and why at all times.

For children at the very start of their school life, the Nursery Class offers well planned activities in a stimulating environment. Our Nursery students are encouraged to use their creativity and imagination to learn about the world and their surroundings through a balance of play and structured activities. By learning to interact with others, these young pupils are gently introduced to the routine and discipline of a school day. Our Nursery Class provides an ideal first step towards the Reception class in the Infant Department.
In the early stages, great emphasis is placed on creative and practical activities leading to the formation of reading skills and number concepts. Spoken language is strongly encouraged and social behavior is given special attention with the aim of laying sound foundations.
Both Infant and Junior children enjoy the benefits of Learning Support Teachers who give special attention to any children showing signs of difficulty with Language Arts or Mathematics.
In the Information Technology department the students engage with computers directly where they learn the basics of the use of computers. In Tops they are taught the basics of logging on as well being introduced to Microsoft Word and Ms paint. InJ1 the children continue learn the basics of the Microsoft Suite of programs. They also commence the typing program which spans two years. They use graphics programs to create art work or to illustrate stories they have typed in Microsoft Word. Students are also able to access a number of programs and games geared towards reinforcing concepts taught in class as well as introducing some new concepts. They are encouraged to do internet research for the purpose of completing projects and composition writing.
The most important features of a computer is the access to information it provides. Because the Internet acts as a virtual library, students can have access to nearly any piece of guided information imaginable. This can be highly advantageous in the classroom as it can enhance the information on any classroom subject. Class teacher integrate the computer in their Language, Literature and Mathematics classes.
The J4’s are trained in how to prepare the Projector, Projector screen, Computer, Microphones, Speakers and Amplifier for events.
In the Information Technology department the students engage with computers directly where they learn the basics of the use of computers. In Tops they are taught the basics of logging on as wellbeing introduced to Microsoft Word and Ms paint. In class 1 children continue learn the basics of the Microsoft Suite of programs. They also commence the typing program which spans two years. They use graphics programs to create art work or to illustrate stories they have typed in Microsoft Word. Students are also able to access a number of programs and games geared towards reinforcing concepts taught in class as well as introducing some new concepts. They are encouraged to do internet research for the purpose of completing projects and composition writing.
The Boys’ Choir was started in 2009 as a result of repeated requests from the boys who wanted a special choir of their own and to sing with like – minded persons.
Today, the choir accommodates 20 boys who sing inspirational and Christian songs with enthusiasm, verve and energy.
As the Boys’ Choir Director it has been my privilege to have seen the boys blossom in their talents and grow in confidence in their singing abilities.
I look forward to welcoming more boys into the experience in the years to come and also to commend those who have passed through the choir and who go on to greater and higher endeavors.
The choir started in 2002 they learned harmony and melody they developed the skill of identifying their own part tenor, alto and soprano. They felt at home with persons who share similar interests. They interact with children from all walks of life.
I am motivated when I see the fruits of my labour and when the children perform melodiously and harmoniously. I expect the choir to grow from strength to strength continuing to perform to an excellent standard. Choir rehearsals.
In the Junior Department children are prepared for the Barbados Secondary Schools' Entrance Examination (BSSEE) while continuing to follow a well-rounded syllabus. Students are provided with a broad range of learning experiences. We aim to develop the student's knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for study and for life beyond education.
Subjects taught are: Language Arts (which includes fluency in Reading, Drama, Spelling, Creative Writing, Vocabulary, Grammar, Oral Language and Comprehension skills)
Opportunities for Art and Craft using many different media are provided. Often it is linked to topic work, which involves reading, writing, number work and sometimes Science and Social Studies. Class visits to places of interest also may arise from a central theme. Music and Movement(Infants), Drama, Music and Creative Writing are also important parts of the curriculum.
Classes have Physical Education lessons. Sports Days are held in Term II and are enjoyed by children, parents / guardians, relatives and friends. Physical Education becomes more structured in the Junior Department. Rounders, football, basketball, cricket, table tennis, athletics and netball are included with coaches attached to the National Sports Council providing additional coaching in some of the lessons. The Top Infants and Junior 1 Classes (including the younger Junior Learning Support class) also attend swimming lessons once a week (Wednesday mornings) at the Aquatic Centre.