St. Gabriel’s school is a Barbadian school. We are proud of that fact and will contribute towards the well-being and future success of our society. Our Green initiatives encourage our families to be great citizens of Barbados and to demonstrate our love and care by encouraging activities which we hope will secure Barbados for generations to come.



Slowfoods St. Gabriel’s was launched May 2016 and a Garden committee was formed. We have two above ground beds, tools, and a composter. Mr. Baird oversees two J3 classes once a week in the garden. The children plant crops, maintain the garden and cultivate the crops.


The gardening project at the school, which is sponsored by Slow Foods Barbados, is still in its infancy. However, it has brought with it, not only beautification to the school, but a whole new set of possibilities in terms of education. Under the stewardship of Mr. Baird and parent volunteers, the children are responsible for the upkeep of the garden while learning core subjects in a practical light. There are also plans to evolve the entire gardening scheme to include satellite initiatives in the very near future.


The first Slow foods workshop was held here at St. Gabriel’s School. Fifteen persons represented several schools of which were both primary and Secondary. The guest presenter was from Trinidad and Tobago. The focus of the workshop was to teach how to write a lesson plan for a class of students. Several other areas were discussed and there was an outdoor session in the garden.


Every year, since 2013, St. Gabriel’s has joined with The Future Centre Trust of Barbados to participate in this event. It is held on the third Saturday of September. The aim of the event is to help clean up as well to help raise the profile of illegal dumping, littering and its impacts to physical and mental health and highlight opportunities for recycling.

The response from the St. Gabriel’s family is overwhelming and every year of participation we have won the prize for the largest group, usually over 120 people! Not only is it a wonderful opportunity to teach our children the importance of proper disposal of litter, the fragility of our marine life and good citizenship skills but it is a time when new friendships are formed and a good time is had by all in a relaxing environment. For several years now we have been tasked with cleaning up Browne’s Beach so after the ‘work’ (which takes less than two hours!) everyone is able to relax on the beach and in the sea.


The recycling programme at St. Gabriel’s School is one of the best recycling programmes in Barbados. Each term, parents are needed from each class to assist with sorting and storing recycling items. However, in order for the programme to continue efficiently, there must be dedicated parental support. All families–current and new-are encouraged to play their part in the recycling activity, which not only benefits the School but the entire environment.

Household items which can be recycled, can be brought in clean, separated and placed in their respective bins in the Recycling area (opposite the blue benches) or taken directly to the Recycling Shed in the lower Car Park. Please be mindful that as fellow parents volunteer to keep the St. Gabriel’s School’s recycling programme in operation, they should be treated with respect and consideration with the items they sort

Important Recycling information

NOT RECYCLABLE: general household garbage, styrofoam, plastic bags, aerosol cans (Bop, Baygon etc.), tissues, toilet paper, dirty cardboard or paper, plastic containers as one package e.g. peanut containers, suit cases, irons, microwaves, light bulbs etc.

All recyclable items should be brought in clean and separated.

Recyclable Items include: glass bottles (whole, not broken), metal and plastic only.

Place sorted items in the individually marked bins; do not place entire bag in bin.

Please do not bring general garbage to the Recycling areas!

Remember: ALL items MUST BE CLEANED AND NO USED ITEMS SUCH AS GREASYCARDBOARD BOXES OR PLASTIC CONTAINERS cake or pizza boxes, food containers, plastic cups or plates etc); USED TISSUES, UNWASHED CARTONS can be recycled. Items which are not separated are considered garbage.

Glass (Adults only to handle):

Do not bring or leave broken glass in bins.

All recyclable glass items should be empty and clean

All colours can be placed together

Remove the lids which can be placed in either metal or plastic recycling bins


Aluminum and metal can be placed together

Do not place sharp edged lids with the metals

Plastics - Separated into 3 different categories: