In the Information Technology department the students engage with computers directly where they learn the basics of the use of computers. In Tops they are taught the basics of logging on as well being introduced to Microsoft Word and Ms paint. InJ1 the children continue learn the basics of the Microsoft Suite of programs. They also commence the typing program which spans two years. They use graphics programs to create art work or to illustrate stories they have typed in Microsoft Word. Students are also able to access a number of programs and games geared towards reinforcing concepts taught in class as well as introducing some new concepts. They are encouraged to do internet research for the purpose of completing projects and composition writing.


The most important features of a computer is the access to information it provides. Because the Internet acts as a virtual library, students can have access to nearly any piece of guided information imaginable. This can be highly advantageous in the classroom as it can enhance the information on any classroom subject. Class teacher integrate the computer in their Language, Literature and Mathematics classes.


The J4’s are trained in how to prepare the Projector, Projector screen, Computer, Microphones, Speakers and Amplifier for events.



The Boys’ Choir was started in 2009 as a result of repeated requests from the boys who wanted a special choir of their own and to sing with like – minded persons.

Today, the choir accommodates 20 boys who sing inspirational and Christian songs with enthusiasm, verve and energy.

As the Boys’ Choir Director it has been my privilege to have seen the boys blossom in their talents and grow in confidence in their singing abilities.

I look forward to welcoming more boys into the experience in the years to come and also to commend those who have passed through the choir and who go on to greater and higher endeavors.


The choir started in 2002 they learned harmony and melody they developed the skill of identifying their own part tenor, alto and soprano. They felt at home with persons who share similar interests. They interact with children from all walks of life.

I am motivated when I see the fruits of my labour and when the children perform melodiously and harmoniously. I expect the choir to grow from strength to strength continuing to perform to an excellent standard. Choir rehearsals.