Dear Alumni

Crowd Funding For The New Nursery & Music Room
Dear Alumni,
I am hoping that this note finds all of you well. I am writing you to let you that St. Gabriel’s Management Inc. has assessed that there is a need for another Nursery, and it is time to act. It is the only class we do not have two of. Therefore, we find ourselves having to refuse applicants due to lack of space. Unfortunately, over the years, we have had to refuse children related to and part of the St. Gabriel’s family due to lack of space. We are also looking at providing a new and more modern music room to continue to develop the musical skills of our children.
- The creation of the New Nursery will greatly assist with reducing this bottleneck at one of the entrance points of the school. In addition, once we lose families at the Nursery level due to space restrictions they are lost forever. If they go to another school that does have two nursery classes, we will not get them back. Keeping our numbers up is vital to our existence.
- We have determined that one of the best ways to finance the project is to voluntarily crowd fund the majority, if not all the funds. This would help to reduce our exposure to debt from the bank.
- The project costs are approximately $425,000 for the Nursery and $78,000 for the music room see the plans for the nursery. We need to start acquiring the contributions as soon as possible as our target date is September 2025 for accepting students into the new nursery.
- Many hands make light work, so we begin with that. We are seeking to voluntarily acquire $600 from each private sector alumni and SGS Alumni who are past students or previously had/has a child or children at the school presently and are still part of the St. Gabriel’s family. We are hoping to raise a total of $168,000 from SGS Alumni and SGS Alumni private sector companies, which represents a third of the total funds required. The other two thirds will come from SGS Parents and other private sector companies.
- We would like to start the collection of these contributions as soon as possible. You can pay in your contributions between now and the end of next term December 2023.
- For those families, alumni and companies that contribute, the intention is to have your family’s name or company name on a brick or plaque dedicated to all those who contributed to make this dream come true. Therefore, we are asking that you kindly indicate your family’s name or company name when transferring the funds. Also, we are asking that you send us an email to with the contribution details including that you are alumni, your name and profession (optional). In securing your profession, we intend to always support our alumni first while seeking services or products in the future.
Over the years successive generations of current SGS parents, alumni and private sector have assisted in the building development of the School for example the classrooms, auditorium, driveways, and parking lots and so on. It is how a non-profit organization like St. Gabriel’s has developed to this point.
We know that with rising costs in Barbados and the world that this may be a tough ask. Therefore, we will not refuse your voluntary contribution of whatever you can afford. Many hands make light work. Help us make this dream come true for St. Gabriel’s School and be a part of the school’s rich legacy!
The banking details are as follows:
Account Name: St. Gabriel’s Management Inc
Bank: CIBC First Caribbean International Bank
Account number: 1000364719
Branch account number: 09606 Branch Address:
Broad Street, Bridgetown Swift code: FCIBBBBB
Ian A. Knight
St. Gabriel’s Management Inc.

Alumni Features
St. Gabriel’s School is indebted in so many ways to its past students, of which we are very proud. The school’s philosophy of providing them with the correct tools for the future has meant that our ex-pupils have done very well wherever they find themselves. Many have reflected and expressed their appreciation for the positive influence of the St. Gabriel’s philosophy in their formative years.
Past Primary students please contact us and let us know where you are and what you are doing. If possible, please send us photographs of your times at St. Gabriel’s for our Alumni photo gallery.
Alumni Gallery